On Tuesday, November 8, 2022 around 11:15 a.m., Harbormaster Kate McConville received a call that there was a sailboat very close to shore on the west side of the island. When she got to the scene, McConville told The Block Island Times, the vessel was among the rocks just south of the entrance to Dorry’s Cove. There was “one individual on board, alone, no injuries. We spoke via VHF radio and I notified the United States Coast Guard,” she said.The boat’s owner, Mr. Peter Prauss, 78, resides in Hamburg, Germany in the winter months and sails along the coast of the tri-state area during “the season.” He was on his way to leave the boat in Warwick just before returning home for the winter. McConville told The Times that Prauss has owned the 46-foot Galaxie for 12 years.Prauss’s engine quit working and he went below to try to repair the issue. “Unfortunately, when he came back up, the keel was hitting bottom. It was too far in and we lost the tide to safely pull it off,” said McConville. “The Narragansett Fire Rescue swim crew came over on a USCG vessel to assist getting the owner safely off
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