All Who Love Block Island:
The newly formed #RespectBI Coalition invites the Block Island community, including Town Council Members Ball, Boudreau, Lacoste, Risom and Willi; Interim Town Manager Kern; Rescue Chief Tracy Fredericks, Fire Chief Littlefield and Police Chief Carlone; and BIMC’s Dr. Warcup, to join a public discussion on Block Island’s current moped crisis. This discussion will gather information, concerns, and ideas from the community to inform recommendations to be made to the incoming Town Manager this Fall.
Volunteer Rescue Squad and Block Island Medical Center data show reckless moped riders continue to imperil themselves and pedestrians, burdening our first responders and disturbing the peace and tranquility of the Island for residents and visitors alike. Is this what we want for our community?
While extra state troopers and moped operator-funded security guards on weekends have lowered accident rates of late, these emergency measures are not effective long-term solutions.
Block Island needs a comprehensive action plan to ensure educated moped customers, safe and respectful moped conduct, and effective enforcement of moped infractions.
Like all of you, we love this Island and want the best for its future. Please join us for a dialogue to determine community priorities for