Access to the beach

Beach terrain is not the easiest to navigate, particularly if one suffers from physical challenges. A gift from the Block Island Lions Club has just made going to the beach a little easier for some people who live with those challenges.
A new beach chair, with wide balloon tires and a comfortable seat was just recently gifted to the Recreation Department, which manages the Fred Benson Beach Pavilion. 
Recreation Department Director Dave Sniffen said his department had received a call about beach accessibility, and the call was eventually forwarded to the Lions Club membership, which released the funds to purchase the chair. Sniffen said he had previously priced out the chairs, and said this one was valued at $1,500.
“I’m very happy that the Lions Club came through,” said Sniffen, who said the department still has a smaller, older, metal chair, but while still workable it’s beginning to rust. The new chair is made out of PVC piping and stainless steel, so it can go in the water without getting corroded. 
Sniffen said that people who want to use the chair will have to sign it out. There is no fee and they can use the chair for as long as they need it the day they sign it out.
“The Lions Club did a great job on this,” said Sniffen.
Disclosure: Lars Trodson is the newly-named Secretary of the Block Island Lions Club. This story was brought to our attention by Dave Sniffen. 


Block Island Times Article

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