Block Island Times

Air travelers from overseas required to self-quarantine

A newly enacted emergency declaration approved by the Town Council is designed, primarily, to restrict and contain unnecessary travel from the mainland in order to reduce the possibility of COVID-19 spreading to Block Island. With travelers coming to the island not only on the ferry, but by plane through the Block Island State Airport, The Block Island Times asked the spokesperson for the Rhode Island Airport Corporation how air traffic is being monitored during these extraordinary times.
We sent the following series of questions to RIAC spokesperson John Goodman via email, who supplied the following answers:
Q: Can you let us know what kind of monitoring is being done at the regional airports? How it is being monitored and by whom?
A: At this time neither the Centers for Disease Control nor the R.I. Department of Health is requiring health or travel history screenings of any domestic passengers in Rhode Island, including those arriving or departing from T.F. Green or Rhode Island’s General Aviation Airports. Notifications alerting travelers to the Governor’s Executive Order requiring those returning from overseas to self-quarantine for 14 days have been posted at T.F. Green and

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