Block Island Times

And that’s a W.R.A.P.

Last Tuesday, on December 7, Danielle Stewart and Erin Goodman from Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and Washington County Zero Suicide traveled to Block island to host the first Wellness Recovery Action Plan program at the Island Free Library from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The W.R.A.P. program is sponsored by the Block Island Medical Center; NAMI-Block Island; the Island Free Library; Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds; and Washington County Zero Suicide.
The program originated in 1977, in northern Vermont, when a group of people came together (a majority of whom were past patients in psychiatric hospitals), to work with each other to help one another improve their mental health and overall wellness. Mary Ellen Copeland, one who struggles with mental health herself, was an original member of the group and ended up working with a fellow member, Jane Winterling, to come up with the W.R.A.P. plan and program.Goodman, a peer recovery specialist, led the two-hour meeting. Goodman comes out to the island once a month to work at the medical center and her goal is, “To try to help the islanders not just as themselves but as a community.” Stewart helped lead conversations and gave out directions throughout the meeting.

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