Periodically the Orsted-owned Block Island Wind Farm comes under the microscope and The Block Island Times receives phone calls and emails regardingthe five turbines spinning three miles off the coast.Lately, as offshore wind projects are taking shape in other areas, some quite close, the questions have increased. So have communications from those who are anti-wind energy, and some of those will spread false information as a way to disparage offshore wind projects in their areas – or in general.One false statement that some insist on repeating is that “Block Island residents were promised a 40 percent drop in electric rates which never happened.”This statement comes from a blog on WordPress and sent to The Times over the weekend by Frank Haggerty titled: “Block Island Rhode Island Wind Farm AFinancial Boondoggle.” (No writer’s name actually appears on the blog post and the accompanying picture, belonging to The Times was used without permission.)The blog entry, which was sent to numerous local press outlets says:“Prior to construction an ocean wind advocate group estimated that having access to the mainland power grid in Narragansett through the offshore cablethat is part of the wind farm project would allow island power rates to fall