A trove of new works in oils by Whitney Knapp Bowditch will be on exhibit at the Jessie Edwards Studio from July 9 to July 20. A virtual reception video will be released onJuly 9.Working with brush and palette knife, Bowditch continues to experiment with the relationship between color and texture on a variety of surfaces, including paper, canvas, and wood panel. “Invitation,” an oil on canvas is the largest work in the show at three by four feet. The viewer is invited to choose a path to walk either down a steep slope to the sea or along a path that meanders along a grassy ridge line.Some of the many coves on the island are featured in this show. “Cormorant Cove” is a view of the beach in the foreground, boats anchored in the Salt Pond, and the CoastGuard Station in the upper left. Farther along the West Side, “Dorry’s Cove Road” is a view of stone walls, fields, and outbuildings along the dirt road leading to the cove in thedistance. “Cow Cove” is a view across the beach looking south from the North Light to the cove where cows waded ashore from the settlers’ boats centuries