Block Island is a place of beauty at every time of year. With the quality of light changing from season to season, the landscape is ever-changing.It is, of course, the perfect place to take one’s camera “for a walk,” a veritable photographer’s dream. And so it was that one late afternoon a few weeksago, The Block Island Times took a walk with local photographer Keith Lang. We went to one of Lang’s favorite places – the Hodge property on Corn Neck Road. It’s a favorite for the variety of habitats contained there and the views of the North Light in the distance, and of the course the sailboats off the coast.
Lang is celebrating the twentieth year of his signature calendar: “Visions of Block Island in Photographs and Words.” In it he marks the changing seasons of Block Island with a separate photo taken for each month, and they all have been taken in the month they represent. Each picture is accompanied by a quote selected by Lang and longtime collaborator James Lindquist. The designer is Kristen Kiley and marketing and distribution is overseen by Clair Stover Comings.
Lang didn’t set out to become a photographer. Although he