On the heels of a few weeks of a chaotic summer with much partying, incidents of underage drinking and open container violations, the police conducted an undercover “compliance check” of alcohol service protocols at several Block Island bars.On Saturday, July 16, six out of seven “randomly” chosen bars flunked.The set-up, according to the report provided by Interim Police Chief Peter Chabot to the Town Council, technically an employee of the R.I. State Police, was to send an 18-year-old underage male into the chosen establishment to see if they could purchase alcohol without proper identification. They were to approach the bar and ask for an alcoholic drink. If the bartender “asked for identification or proof of age, he was to inform the bartender he did not have one. If such bartender refused to serve Source One the alcoholic drink, he was instructed to politely say thank you and exit the establishment.” If he was served a drink, he was “to pay for the beverage, walk away from the bar and provide me proof of the purchase. Once proof was obtained, Source One was required to discard the alcoholic beverage in the nearest trash receptacle, exit the establishment, and at