Block Island is hosting a new boat race this year sponsored by the Block Island and Duck Island Yacht Clubs. The Block Island Race Week 2018 event will take place starting on Monday, June 18 and ending on Friday, June 22. Here is the schedule of entertainment events taking place after the day’s racing:
On-land Playbook
All parties are from 5 to 7 p.m.
Sunday, June 17: Block Island Maritime Center: Featured night for Narragansett Beer and Regatta Ginger Beer.
1. Introductions and announcements
2. Sponsored Cocktail Party.
Monday, June 18: BIMI Center.
1. New introductions.
2. Awards and announcements.
3. Cocktail party.
Tuesday, June 19: Champlin’s Oyster Bar and Grill includes cocktail party. This would be the Thomas Tew Featured Night
1. Awards and announcements
2. Cocktail party. A cash bar will also be provided at this site for those wanting other offerings.
Wednesday, June 20: BIMI – Newport Vineyards Featured night.
1. Awards and announcements.
2. Cocktail party.
Notes: Entertainment: “Fugitives from Justice” entertainment-Possible Beach Bonfire Night, weather dependent
Thursday, June 21:
BIMI – Grey Sail Featured Night
1. New introductions as required
2. Awards and announcements
3. Cocktail Party.
Friday, June 22: BIMI Center
1. New introductions as required
2. Awards
3. Cocktail Party
Tickets will be available at the door. Admission tickets are $15 per night. If one desires to attend all six of the events and cocktail parties, there will be no charge for the last event.