Note: As of Friday afternoon, Nov. 6, the cable splice scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed until further notice. Therefore, the Block Island Power Company will not be switching over to its diesel generators this weekend.
Cable update: At this time, National Grid is planning to conduct its cable splice starting on Saturday, November 6. This means the Block Island Power Company will be utilizing its diesel generators for the duration of the splicing operation and for a few days afterwards while the splice is tested.It’s a big step after NGRID was forced to abandon its cable reburial project last spring after the conduit installed into a drilled tunnel about 30 feet beneath the ocean floor became clogged with “debris’ and couldn’t be cleared in time for the tourist season.A representative from National Grid told The Block Island Times when the equipment for the project was arriving this fall that contractors experienced in sewer line clearing would be responsible for removing the debris from the conduit with a jet pump. That work has evidently been performed and a camera was sent through the pipe to make sure it was okay.The new cable section was threaded through the conduit