One of the biggest frustrations about broadband coming to Block Island is there is never really a definitive answer to when. With each update of its progress, there seems to be another few months added on until the time when customers can finally sign up for and receive services.Although the New Shoreham Broadband Committee had hoped some customers on the northern end of the island might be “hooked up” this summer, now the estimate issometime in September.The island has been divvied up into 11 Fiber Service Areas, or FSAs. Areas one through four, and eight, have been “constructed, spliced and tested,” and area five has been constructed and spliced. Theseareas will be thefirst to have residents and businesses actually sign up for and receive service.Area one is along Crescent Beach, area two is the northernmost part of the “Neck” and areas three and four include the business areas of New Harbor.Area eight covers much of the business area of Old Harbor, but not all. On one corner is part of Bridgegate Square. The building that houses Washington Trust, The Old Post Office Bagel Shop, and The Block Island Times is in area eight, while next door the Block