Candidates for Block Island Health Services Board

Block Island Health Services (BIHS) is holding an election for two seats on the Board of Directors. The terms are for 4 years and the electors are the voters and taxpayers of New Shoreham. Two community members applied to be candidates; both have been approved for the slate. They are Robert Agricola and Gordon Nelson.
Due to the pandemic, the Board adopted procedures for a contact-free election. If you are a registered voter or property taxpayer in New Shoreham and wish to receive a ballot, send an email request to BIHS Election Committee at: [email protected]. Please give the name under which you are registered to vote in New Shoreham. If you are not a voter but own taxable property, provide the name under which your property may be found on the tax rolls. You must also provide the address to which your ballot should be mailed. Ballot requests can be made now and must be made no later than November 4. The committee will respond quickly to send ballots to all qualified applicants.
Please request your ballot soon and return it promptly. Ballots must be received by November 20.
ROBERT AGRICOLA has been a Block

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