Ed. note: The Block Island Yacht Club created the Short Story contest several years ago as an opportunity for seniors and juniors attending the Block Island School to write creatively about the island. The format is that the opening paragraph, created by the BIYC, must be used for all entries, but then the writer can let their imagination run free. The contestants are given a time frame to submit their stories, which must be fiction. We have a panel of three judges who are anonymous to each other and to the students, as well. The judges are given the stories not knowing who wrote them and they rank them to determine the winner. The winning story is below. Congratulations Cally Weber!
All the sails were set and trimmed. The crew had worked hard. Jake supervised the effort on the main, Roger on the mizzen, and Keith had labored on both the topsails and the jibs. Except for the chef the captain had called for all hands on deck! She wanted to give them some last-minute instructions. The breeze was fresh from the southwest and they were flying! But Jake noticed that there were two members of the crew