Council appoints interim police chief

Town Manager Maryanne Crawford announced that Captain Peter Chabot of the Rhode Island State Police has been selected to serve as interim police chief on Block Island. The New Shoreham Town Council acted on his appointment at its meeting on Monday, June 6, affirming the decision 4 to 0. Councilor Mark Emmanuelle was not in attendance.Chabot is a 24-year veteran of the State Police and previously worked for the Narraganset Police Department as a K-9 officerfor seven years. He is a graduate of Roger Williams University, with a Bachelor of Science degree, and also received an Associate Degree in Criminal Justice from ChamplainCollege.According to the Rhode Island State Police website: “[Chabot] is responsible for managing the Division’s Major Crimes Unit, Financial Crimes Unit, Special Victims Unit, Intelligence Unit, Auto Theft Unit, Adult Correctional Institution Investigative Unit, Department of Motor Vehicles Investigative Unit, Property Unit, Rhode Island Sex Offender Registration Notification Unit, Forensic Services Unit, and the Fusion Center.”The council thanked R.I. State Police Col. Darnell Weaver for the selection of Chabot, who “will start to transition with Matt [Moynihan] for one week,” said Crawford. She is hoping to have a recommendation for a permanent chief by the end

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