“The goal of this meeting is to listen,” said Second Warden Sven Risom at the beginning of a special meeting of the Town Council on August 17 on the subject of mopeds.The meeting came at the request of members of the public that have been asking for moped reforms to be made for years and who had told the council at a previous meeting to “please listen to us.”For their part though, the Town Council had been advised not to say anything on thematter that could possibly jeopardize ongoing litigation surrounding reforms the town had previously attempted to make.
Risom had opened the meeting thanking the public for its input that had come by the “hundreds” in the form of emails, letters, and phone calls. “Based on the advice of our solicitors, we are not going to get into a discussion of, or debate, any of the facts,” he said. “No response or reply is not an agreement with the previous speaker. It’s just ‘no response.’”Risom went on to say he recognized that this was a “very passionate subject” and although the Town Council was working hard on the matter as one of “public health and safety,” they
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