The following Covid-19 update was posted by the Block Island Medical Center on Tuesday, Dec. 1:
Please watch Dr. Warcup’s video update at the link below:
Key points from the video:
Two additional cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on the island today.
Contact tracing is underway.
The FDA is moving closer to an Emergency Use Authorization to distribute COVID 19 vaccinations.
The FDA is setting guidelines on who will receive the vaccine first: likely healthcare workers, fire and rescue in the first round with each consecutive round including more vulnerable populations.
The Medical Center and the Emergency Management Director met with RIDOH to discuss the logistics of how to transport the vaccine and administer it on the Island.
Vaccination of the general population will likely happen in the early spring.
When more information is released from the FDA, we will share it with you, hopefully by the end of the week.
Take care,
the Medical Center Staff