The students at the Block Island School returned to distance learning for Thursday and Friday this week as Covid 19 has found its way back into the student body. Last weekend, a student tested positive after an off-island junior varsity basketball game. The school sprang into action, testing 52 additional students as a precaution on Saturday. Luckily, all 52 tests came back negative.Unfortunately, on Wednesday three more students tested positive, with Superintendent Bob Gerardi verifying to The Block Island Times that the three new cases were spread throughout the various pods in the school. The school is using a pod system to keep students somewhat separated into elementary, middle school, and high school pods. Since the new cases were in different pods, the decision was made to move the entire school into distance learning for Thursday and Friday with hopes of returning to in-person learning on Monday, December 20. Gerardi says “deep cleaning” has already begun in preparation for Monday.Gerardi said the school was working with the Medical Center “to understand what is going on in the greater community.” Medical Center Director Tom Warcup addressed the Town Council on Wednesday night explaining that including the three new cases