Crossing to Block Island

Scott Barrow will be exhibiting photographs from his ongoing series taken on the Block Island ferry at the Spring Street Gallery from June 26 through July 8. An artist’s reception will be held on June 26, form 5 to 7 p.m.Barrow has been traveling to the island since the early 1990s and has explored the ferry in the available 55-minute increments ever since his first crossing. The show will highlight his recent on-island favorites and images of the ferry.
Barrow’s photography is about connection to the places he visits and the people that he meets. At first, finding photos on the ferry was just an entertaining way to spend the time traveling from Point Judith to the island. It was a 55-minute speed dating experience. Over time though he began to see the relationship between Block Island and its near constant companion. It is a partner, provider, taxi, life line, welcome wagon, coffee-hour host, happy-hour bar tender, and to a large degree, a family member. It turns out that his gratitude for the ferry and its crew comes through in his images. Beautiful light dances across its surfaces and backlights its silhouette as it makes its daily rounds.Barrow

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