The Deer Task Force continues to face long odds on significantly reducing the deer herd on Block Island. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) technically owns and sets policy on deer in the state of Rhode Island. Currently the DEM’s stance is that hunting is the “preferred” method of controlling the size of a deer herd.At its meeting on January 18, the task force discussed the idea of expanding seasonal hunting days to include weekends for the 2023-2024 season. Chair Sue Hagedorn called the idea “controversial,” but also said people are “frustrated.” She said it would be appropriate to suggest to the Town Council that they add weekend hunting, in order to generate a discussion on the topic. As Hagedorn pointed out, it is ultimately a Town Council decision.Saying that the DTF has historically “struggled” with weekend hunting, Member Matt Moynihan said that restricting hunting on weekends “eliminates” a lot of hunters. But conversely, he said that allowing hunting on weekends will “provide the occasion of hunters being out there with hikers.” Although the rest of the state allows hunting on weekends, Moynihan said he would have some concerns for safety with Block Island being such