Filippi delivers the Republican State Of the State response

On Tues., January 14 House Republican Leader Blake Filippi delivered the Republican response to the Governor’s State of the State address.  Filippi’s remarks were televised via Capitol TV and were carried on WPRI 12, NBC 10 WJAR and ABC6.

Click the link here to watch Filippi’s response: Video
Good evening, I’m Blake Filippi, the Leader of the Republican Caucus in your House of Representatives.
Please join me for 10 minutes as we address some of the import issues we face in Rhode Island.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Civil rights challenge of our time is access to a quality education.
Rhode Island has a two-classed education system: if you live in the right zip code or have the means to send your family to private school, they will most likely get a good education and have limitless potential. 
If you don’t live in the right zip code, and can’t afford private school, your family faces an uncertain future, lacking social mobility.
Martin Luther King understood that legal equality isn’t enough – there must also

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