Thomas “TJ” Martucci has big plans for Finn’s Restaurant. He just doesn’t know what they are yet.Martucci “is an experienced restauranteer,” according to his attorney, Sanford Resnick, who attended the Town Council’s meeting on July 5 remotely as the council, acting in its capacity as the Board of License Commissioners considered the transfer of the liquor license from Tail Finns, LLC, Member John J. Franchi d/b/a Finn’s Seafood Restaurant, to TMG – BI Operating, Inc. Stockholder: Thomas J. Martucci d/b/a To Be Determined.The “d/b/a To Be Determined” caught the councilor’s attention. “I need to stand in the space, let it speak to me,” said Martucci, who was at the meeting and has businesses based out of East Greenwich.Among Martucci’s growing holdings are a few that incorporate the name “The Trap.” His latest is The Trap North in Smithfield and he plans to build The Trap South in Narragansett at the site of the old Charlie O’s. “I will say I’m building my brand out on the backs of the Trap,” a pub and grill style eatery. “To date that space hasn’t spoken to me like a Trap. Most likely it will never be a Trap.”Instead, Martucci is leaning