Block Island Times

Gas station changes to spring hours

The following was issued by M & C Gas Station Manager Jessica Veldman on Sunday, May 17:
Good evening Block Island Community,
I’m just writing to let you all know that the gas station will be changing to spring hours. Our hours will now be 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Saturday and closed on Sunday, for now. 
Please be aware that during this time we ask that you don’t attempt to pump your own gas or enter the office. 
If you have cans please remove them from your car, take the caps off, and leave them in front of the pump. We would also be extremely thankful if you could wear a mask when you come in. I understand this is going to slow things down a bit so please have patience as we try to keep everyone safe.
Thanks and we’ll be seeing you,
Manager Jessica R. Veldman.

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