E. –
Watson, Doty, Landers, KennedyA fabulous builder your clients are many.If you add my name to the top of your listYou’ll be rewarded with Valentine bliss!
To WPF, love from SQMMay we just keepriding waves and horsesinto the loving twilightof our years
My Little OneHappy Valentine’s Day!I can’t imagine ever sharing this daywith anyone else but you. You are myeverything. We have made it throughanother year of transitions through ourfaith, family and love for each other. MayGod bless us with manymore years together!!Still Crazy after all of these years…
Roses are RedViolets are BlueOur love for the island has only grew!
Mom and Dadyou are amazing and wonderful, too!Thank you for all that you have done,As for the parent lottery…well, we have won.Sending love and well wishes your way,
and of course,Happy Valentines Day!Love,Abi, Kaleigh & Meggie
You are my North, my South,my East and West.Yesterday, today and tomorrowfor always and forever.Love, S.Pie
AndyForever GratefulLove-318
and here we arebraided togetherby love, admirationand gratitude
My dearest HLM,Where does time go?It seems like yesterday that ourvacations on Block Island wouldblossom into a lasting love