The Harbors Department is wrapping things up for the season and Harbormaster Kate McConville has made her end-of-season report to the Town Manager, the Harbors Committee, the Shellfish Commission, and the Committee for the Great Salt Pond.In short, the docks, marinas, harbors, and waterways were very busy during the 2021 season.McConville reported 900 to 1000 boats consistently in the harbors on holiday weekends, which translated into the highest New Harbor mooring rental revenue in the past five years. The wharfage revenues in Old Harbor were also at their highest level in five years.While fees went up this year, the fee increase alone does not account for the numbers. Boaters were back to the island in levels similarto pre-pandemic years. Additionally, the dredging done in Old Harbor during the off-season allowed for more boats to be accommodated. Old Harbor Dockmaster Josh Moore reported that the dredging had gained around 100 feet of dock space.McConville told the Harbors Committee that she wanted the dredging to be kept up, as it is in the budget annually. She also mentioned the need for dredging in New Harbor near the public dinghy dock. While the Army Corps of Engineers dredges the channel and