Block Island Times

HDC reviews Ballard’s balcony and Champlin’s changes

Ballard’s Beach ResortBallard’s Inn Realty, LLC appeared before the Historic District Commission to present its plan to build a new second floor deck and raise the roof on part of the building to accommodate a second floor. As Eric Zuena of ZDS Architecture and Interior Design explained, the basic plan is taking a “vaulted space and bifurcating it to create a second level.”
The interior of Ballard’s has high, vaulted ceilings, and so with slightly raising the roof, the architects are able add a second level within the building. Zuena said that the plan would “pick up existing usable space” while remaining within the existing building footprint. The new decking will be on the back side of the building and will be above the existing patio.Right away Member Arlene Tunney was not on board. She correctly pointed out that the application was missing the north and south elevations, which according to Tunney “will tell how high the building will be.” She said she could not proceed without these missing documents and made a motion to table the discussion until the documents were provided.The elevations in an application refer to renderings or drawings of the proposed project from each

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