Healthy Kids Inside & Out continues for its second year at the Island Free Library — attracting both kids and adults. The Friday program starts each week at 10:30 a.m. with an outdoor adventure with the Nature Conservancy’s Naturalist Kim Gaffett. First things first, we feed the birds. Bird feeders have been placed in locations around the library that allow for viewing by the kids from the library’s Little Kids’ Room and by all out the front door. Once all the feeders are full the adventure continues. While the beach is definitely a favorite destination, walks have been led around the neighborhood and through town, emphasizing to all that nature can be found anywhere. Upon our return, we regroup, have a snack and recount the day’s activities and nature finds. Morgan Walsh, the library’s Youth Services Librarian, leads us through this discussion engaging everyone on what was heard, seen, smelled, tasted, touched as well as soliciting comments about the weather. Recording our findings, sharing our favorite moments and drawing replicas of what was collected is taken seriously as these are our budding naturalists and scientists, protectors of our island and earth.
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