Several projects passed muster at the Historic District’s meeting on June 27 – or at least partially. It can be a long process getting a design and a plan just right, and that’s just the beginning. Many of the projects that come before the commission need to then go on to other boards, including Planning and Zoning.First up on June 27 was the renovation of one of the houses in what acting Chair Martha Ball termed the “Spring House complex.” Architect Glen Fontecchio was representing owner Frank DiBiase and he explained that while the house was being expanded, the total footprint would not increase. Rather, the house would be expanded over an area that currently is covered by a deck.Members of the commission had a few questions about windows, which will be “two over twos” according to Fontecchio, but what they took issue with, at least at first, was the back side of the house.“The rear elevation’s pretty sad,” remarked member Arlene Tunney.Fontecchio responded that the rear was facing the Barn restaurant, so it wasn’t really visible.Tunney replied: “For people sitting outside at the Barn, I’d think Frank would want them to see a nicer-looking view than a