The solid consensus seemed to be that they grew bigger over the 10 years the Block Island Inshore Fishing Tournament took a hiatus.Or maybe it’s just there is more to snack on around the bases of the Orsted-constructed Block Island Wind Farm turbines that appear to be acting as artificial reefs of sorts. Orsted is the tournament sponsor.
Either way, the 62 anglers who participated in the inshore fishing tournament (no further than three miles from shore) this past Saturday had plenty of stories to share about the ones that didn’t get away as they managed to reel in dozens of impressive fluke, black sea bass, bluefish, and striped bass in a resurrection of the decades-old tournament.Captain Chris Willi served as host at his Captain Nick’s institution on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Many of the contestants assembled to swap stories and take home some impressive trophies, with the most impressive trophy, a whopping donation for $3,290, going to the Block Island Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, drawing genuine surprise from all.With a colorful backdrop of full-bodied fish and their considerable jaws adding plenty of character to the ceremony, Willi noted that 14 teams of up to four anglers