Nobel Prize winner and professor of Geosciences and International Affairs Dr. Michael Oppenheimer attended the Sea Level Rise Committee’s meeting on Tuesday as a special guest advisor.As a summer resident, Oppenheimer spends most of his summers on Block Island and he will be speaking at the Block Island Utility District’s Annual Meeting on August 27, and be the featured speaker at the Block Island Maritime Institute’s Tuesday Night Talk on August 9.SLR Committee Vice Chair Clair Stover introduced Oppenheimer, saying he was “here to give us some feedback.”Committee member Sven Risom added: “The goal of this is advising the Sea Level Rise Committee,” as opposed to what Oppenheimer would talk about at BIMI. (See page 12.)Oppenheimer started by briefing the committee on new developments. “Lots of things have changed in the climate change community,” he said, going on to detail some of the bills recently going through the United States Congress and what they would or would not do to help alleviate climate change, with the infrastructure bill having the most potential for a positive impact.It may seem counter-intuitive, but Oppenheimer said that “people should hesitate to do really big projects.” Why?“Projections change a lot and they change