Residents, visitors, and even summer workers turned out in great numbers at Town Hall on Thursday, August 11 for a special Town Council meeting on “the incidents that occurred on August 8, 2022 that required a police response.”Of course, that was the now infamous and national story about fighting at the Reggae Fest at Ballard’s Beach Resort and on the ferry back to the mainland later that evening on Victory Day. The Town Council chamber at Town Hall, which has a capacity of 47 was overflowing, with the doors opened out to the front to accommodate the crowd. Although a few dozen chairs were placed outside, dozens more stood in the back to hear what was going on inside.Cameras and reporters from all three of the major networks’ local news affiliates were in the room. Those who wished to speak signed up on a clipboard that, throughout the evening was circulated both indoors and outside for people to add their names.The meeting started with the Town Council voting to go into closed session to be briefed by police on the incidents. When,45 minutes later, they came back, First Warden André Boudreau told the crowd that he had spent
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