The Town Council sat down for a round-table discussion with department heads at a meeting on Wednesday that included a few lessons on what to do, and what not to do, as members of a governing body.“For folks’ background, when I was elected,” said new First Warden Keith Stover, “the preparation was not terribly robust. This is part of an ongoing effort to get council up to speed.”With all the members of the council and several staff gathered around a large table at Town Hall, Town Manager Maryanne Crawford said it was “important for this process to take place for a couple of reasons.” One was information sharing, and she said that when she gets asked a question by a councilor, she responds with an email to all of the councilors so that they all will have the same information. There are exceptions though. “One person will be more privy to information, and that’s the first warden,” she said.Crawford also stressed that “if you hear something when you’re out and about, call me.” Block Island is a small place and, she said, “Someone once told me ‘you can’t outrun social media.’”“Another thing,” continued Crawford, “and this is part
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