A punctual and relatively quick meeting of the Island Free Library Board of Trustees concluded Tuesday with no major issues andplenty of good news.The building is increasingly re-hosting organizations and groups and Library Director Kristin Baumann described the year ahead as ”exciting. The staff is ready for the summer. Outside tables are in place, all rooms are open and welcoming.”The majority of the meeting pored over nut-and-bolts operating and maintenance issues from new windows that were obtained via a Champlin Foundation grant and need to be secured until they can be properly installed; to re-installation of a failed customrailing and a water fountain.Much praise went out to Dave Martin for his help in cleaning gutters that had backed up with considerable sludge over time that may have led to water backing into a part of the basement. Martin is also helping install the water fountain out front that will be activated as soon as Covid regulations allow. Trustee Dave Sniffen assisted, putting in considerable volunteer hours in getting the water fountain back “on tap.” The railing, which is not that old, is being reworked and galvanized with Tim Ferland’s assistance.The trustees were also delighted to learn that the