The Hotel Manisses was back in front of the Historic District Commission on Monday, December 6, with updates to the design for the addition. The plan is to construct a three-story wing on the existing basement. The HDC approved the sizing and massing previously, and had asked the applicant to come back with an updated rendering of the back of the building. The original design had a blank wall on the back of the additionthat would face High Street. Neighbors and abutters on the High Street side had stated, and the HDC agreed, that the back of the building needed dressing up.“I’m a little underwhelmed,” Member Mike Ballard said upon seeing the new drawings. The architect added a set of three windows and a dormer to the back of the addition facing High Street. The applicant had also changed the railing design at the request of the Rhode Island Historic Preservation and Heritage Commission, and had made the division of the two sections, existing and new addition, more pronounced by making the division all glass with a flat roof. The architect, J. Michael Abbott called it a “real break” between the new part of the building and the