Block Island Times

Med Center Virtual Fundraiser ends 12 p.m., Saturday, July 17

The Block Island Medical Center Virtual Fundraiser is entering its final days. The website, is up and running and anyone can register to preview auction items, make a donation, and/or directly fund needs at the medical center.
Amazing auction items include stays at The Beach House, the Inn at the Spring House, and homes on Block Island, in New Haven, and Brooklyn; photographs and art by noted island artists; gift certificates from Block Island’s best restaurants; a private tour of the 1661 Farm; a ride for some special child in a Block Island fire truck; surf lessons; food – you name it – there are lots of great items to chose from. If you prefer to make a direct donation you can do this on the website. This year you also have the opportunity to purchase appliances for the new addition to the medical center or help fund additional nurses and physicians during the summer.There is something for everyone and the whole community is encouraged to participate. The Fundraising Committee of the BIMC hopes that everyone on Block Island will join with us in supporting our medical center. All of us who live, work or visit the

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