The New Shoreham Town Council will be hosting a hybrid meeting: in-person and via Zoom telecommunication pursuant to State of Rhode Island ExecutiveOrder 22-20 dated February 18, 2022 as amended
Open Session Zoom access: dial toll free for cellular phone or landline (888) 788 0099; (833) 548 0276; (833) 548 0282 or (877) 853 5247.Webinar ID: 816 6477 0256Passcode: 799285We do not have bandwidth to support a video link for members of the general public. To participate, “Raise your hand” on your phone by pressing *9; mute andunmute by pressing *6. To see supporting documents for this agenda, go to: Clerkbase Please dial in or watch YouTube:
6:30 p.m.
1. Discuss and act on request for indemnification from Cormorant Cove Association (This item may be discussed in closed session pursuant to RI General Laws 42-46-5(a) (2) Sessions pertaining to collective bargaining or litigation, or work sessions pertaining to collective bargaining or litigation)
7:00 p.m.2. Public Comment3. Tabled from 3/2/2022 & 3/7/2022: Discuss and act on amended easement for National Grid cable project
4. Tabled from 3/7/2022: Discuss and act on Cultural Heritage contract re: South Fork, Sunrise and Revolution Wind Farms
5. Discuss and