There is ecological bad news everywhere. Mudslides, sink holes, melting ice caps, heat waves, volcanoes, earthquakes, flooding, and drought. It sometimes feels so overwhelming that it’s reasonable to think that there is nothing one person can do to prevent these disasters from happening.
The most effective way is the approach Block Island is taking: baby steps toward a better future. Eliminate the plastic bags, the straws, the balloons, all while continuing to be ecologically sensitive to our surroundings. There is the ongoing work being done by Harbormaster Steve Land and the members of the Committee for the Great Salt Pond to keep that majestic natural resource as healthy as it can be. There is also the work done by many people to maintain our natural barriers, the dunes, from further harm.
We could probably say this every week, given the transient nature of our summertime guests, but staying off the dunes is one of the small things we all can do to protect our environment. It may not seem like much, but it’s one gesture that will have enduring benefits.