The Planning Board will be holding two special sessions in May to discuss the results of the Large House Survey it conducted earlier this winter from Jan. 25 to Feb. 15. There were 233 responses to the online survey, which was conducted to elicit feedback, or “policy preferences of the community” as they relate to Zoning regulations governing the size of single-family homes on Block Island, and whether the regulations need to be modified.When Planning Chair Margie Comings asked her fellow board members if they had any comments or questions on the results, member Socha Cohen said: “I have a bunch of stuff I want to say.”
According to the survey results, 57.5 percent of the respondents identified as “year-round resident,” and 76 percent said they owned a home on the island.In response to the question of whether the survey-taker was an island real estate agent, 14 said yes. As for those in construction on the island, 17 said they were involved. Twenty people said they either work for or are on the board of a conservation organization.Almost 70 percent of the respondents said they supported regulating the size and massing of residential real estate structures on Block