A theme emerged at the latest Police Advisory Commission meeting – one that involved traffic, parking, and road congestion. It started off with a comment by Chair Jim Hinthorn that while he was impressed with Chief of Police Matthew Moynihan’s recent report to the Town Council on 2021 statistics, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.”Hinthorn was referring to the broadness of the categories in the report, specifically those pertaining to motor vehicle violations and parking tickets.Moynihan responded that statistics, even as presented could be misleading. “A lot of violations aren’t ticketed,” he said, explaining that there are many violations that are observed visually while officers direct traffic, but do not result in a ticket or summons. The same goes for open container violations, as Moynihan said that often, the violator is simply told to pour the beverage out and throw away the container.“I sort of buy most of that,” said Hinthorn, “but still, part of me wants to see more.” One example he gave was parking tickets, indicating a wish to know where they were issued.
Moynihan said some of the categories could be broken down further.“But only if it’s valuable to you,” said Hinthorn.During the correspondence