A virtual public hearing was continued for applicants Nick and Pam Gelsomini on an application off Corn Neck Road (Plat 4, Lot 63) for a Development Plan Review, and an Advisory to the Zoning Board for a Special Use Permit to demolish an existing single-family dwelling and construct a single family dwelling, accessory residential structure, spa and in-ground pool.
At the Planning Board’s Sept. 9 public hearing on the Gelsominis’ application, members of the Planning Board and the Committee for the Great Salt Pond raised concerns about the Great Salt Pond and the wetlands that are on the property. The two boards also expressed concerns with the development appearing large for the lot. The applicants took into consideration the comments and concerns from the two boards, and came back to the Planning Board on Monday, Jan. 11.
Attorney Joe Priestley, representing the Gelsominis, opened the public hearing with his thoughts on the revised application.
“This is essentially a work session to discuss an alternative proposal for the development of a house and an accessory residential structure on the Gelsomini’s six-acre lot on the GSP,” said Priestley.
“The lot abuts the GSP and thus is subject to the jurisdiction