My mother started my career as a beach bum at a very young age as we vacationed on the Rhode Island shore. I loved working with clay while in high school, sculpting and throwing pottery.
When I lived in Connecticut, I made snow castles while we dreamed of the beach. Living on Block Island opened up the memories and two years ago, during a winter beach walk, I noticed the way the sand was sculpted by the waves and I started scratching out what came to look like a real little stone wall.
The free form of it got my interest, and I just thought of adding some good old fashioned sand castle elements like towers and stairs, arches, “drip” trees, and, of course, moats and ponds. Orbs and dragon-like creatures sometimes appear, as well.
I always liked the temporary nature of this kind of artwork. It makes it a little special each time. One of my favorites was sculpting around our old mailbox for the passers-by. I’m definitely hooked on doing this and feel like I’m just getting started.
— Marty Rosato