“You’re in good hands:” a comment from the Speaker of the House many years ago as he nodded towards Senator Susan Sosnowski when an island official expressed concern at the State House about the status of a certain piece of legislation needed by the town. We were in good hands as to that legislation and numerous other bills crucial to the town for over a quarter-plus century that Susan Sosnowski represented Block Island, first as our representative and then as our senator in the halls of the State House.That role came naturally to Sue, whose innate values so closely aligned with ours – concern for the environment, advocacy for renewable energy, knowledge of and interest in agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries.How fortuitous was it for our island – one of the Nature Conservancy’s “Last Great Places,” to have as our voice a senator who was awarded the 2016 Environmental Protection Agency’s Lifetime Achievement Award and heralded as an “environmental champion.” Not that advocating for Block Island was ever going to be an easy job…our past history contained battles with gambling in the ‘50s, moped fights in the ‘70s and CRMC struggles in the late nineties onward. Block Island and
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