Block Island Times

School budget cuts could total $252,000 for new year

There were only two school employees included in the revised list of recommended budget cuts on the School Committee’s agenda on Monday Jan. 27: Co-Principal John Canole, who resigned effective Tues. Jan. 28; and a special education teacher who is retiring in June. Neither is recommended to be replaced next year, reducing the budget by $153,315.
So far, no other personnel cuts have been proposed during the committee’s discussions on the proposed 2020-2021 school year budget. All of the other items on School Superintendent Michael Convery’s list of proposed reductions or eliminations are non-personnel items, ranging from paint purchases and library books to technology hardware and cultural activities. All have been discussed in previous School Committee budget work sessions.
The new total of the proposed cuts is $252,202. The two personnel cuts are 60.8 percent of the total; non-personnel items are 39.2 percent. (A complete list of the recommended budget cuts to date is on page 6.)
Convery has, however, given the committee members a list of ‘Other Areas To Be Considered Later,” which may include additional personnel changes. That list has not been discussed in the budget work sessions.

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