On Tuesday, May 2, the eight seniors at the Block Island School presented their senior projects to their younger peers, teachers, and the general public. It’s almost, but not quite, the last hurdle they will go through before graduation in June.The senior project is a graduation requirement that was instituted by the Rhode Island Department of Education some 15 years ago. It requires students to pick a topic of their choice, and then working both independently and with a mentor, do research, write a 10-page (or so) paper, create a physical display, and then present it all first to the public, and then more formally to a panel of educators. Some of the students have also combined their projects with an internship. At the Block Island School, High School English teacher Maureen Flaherty is the senior projects coordinator.For the public, it’s a wonderful opportunity to engage with the students as they explain their projects, what they found, and what surprised them.Campbell Coviello chose to tie her senior project in with her internship at the Block Island Medical Center where she has been working in physical therapy with
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