The New Shoreham Sewer Commission has finalized its list of delinquent accounts that will be headed for a tax sale. Letters will be going out to customers whose accounts are seriously in arrears. As of the department’s joint meeting with the Water Department on Jan. 25, there were 14 customers on the list.
The letter is a 90-day notice, with the tax sale scheduled for April 30. As of now, the total of the past due accounts is $78,000, and the commissioners noted that many of the names are familiar.
“Everyone says ‘Covid,’ but it’s the same people every year and no one comes in to make a payment plan,” said Commissioner Sandra Finizia.
Attorney David Petrarca said the Sewer Company was not subject to state shutoff limits due to the pandemic, and Town Finance Director Amy Land jumped in to say that other communities were resuming tax sales.
Customers may contact the town Finance Office to make a payment plan, but the longer they wait, the worse it may get. As the 90-day window counts down, additional charges may accrue for interest, and fees associated with the tax sale process.
The Water Department will send out its