Block Island Times

Sewer Dept. to re-line leaking pipes this spring

When the Sewer Department sent cameras through its lines last November, the results weren’t pretty. Numerous leaks in the pipes were found in three areas of the sewer district: Beach Avenue, Ocean Avenue, and Corn Neck Road. These areas are serviced by asbestos concrete gravity pipe and age is takingits toll.
“There’s significant infiltration that needs to be addressed,” said Water Commission Chair Brad Marthens to those on the Joint Water and Sewer Commission’s Zoom meeting February 14.During the meeting, commissioners reviewed the bid packet, prepared by town engineer James Geremia, with the request for bids notices going out almost immediately afterwards.
Bids were due back by March 3, and although the cost won’t be known until they are opened and received, Geremia’s office estimated that the total cost to remediate 4,900 feet of sewer line would be in the $470,000 to $580,000 price range.
It is hoped that the work will be completed by mid-May, and Sewer Superintendent Dylan Chase said the project would not involve any digging or otherwork “significant to the roadway.”“It’s called trenchless sewer lining,” said Geremia, with the lining having the “structural equivalent of PVC” pipe.Geremia also said since there were three areas,

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