Block Island Times

Sewer shut-off around Bridgegate Square June 1 and 2

The New Shoreham Sewer Department has announced a sewer shut-off for Wednesday, June 1, and Thursday June 2 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the area in and around Bridgegate Square. This is required while workers from National Water Main Cleaning Company of Boston re-line the leaking sewer pipes in the area.During the fall, camera work on the sewer lines revealed several problem areas where groundwater was leaking into the lines. To prevent leakage, the pipes will be lined with an epoxy that is applied without having to excavate the actual pipes. No digging is necessary.The shutdowns should begin each day at about 7 a.m. and last for eight hours, or 5 p.m. at the latest. During these time periods, all properties’ sewer connections will be completely sealed off from the town’s main line in the road. Water going into the drains could result in sewage back-ups into the building.______Affected customers should:- Limit the use of water going down drains to an absolute minimum.- If water use is necessary, please stop up sinks and bathtub drains so water does not drain out during the eight-hour period.- Do not use washing machines or dishwashers for the eight-hour duration.-

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