Over the course of two meetings this week, the Block Island Tourism Council listened to funding requests from several organizations and individuals. Some of those organizations have been receiving funding for years, some for only a few, and some are brand new.In the trash category, Old Harbor Task Force Chair Margie Comings and town Highways Superintendent Mike Shea both asked for what was essentially repeat funding for another set of Big Belly trash cans and overtime pay for town road crew members to get an earlier start on the day in order to pick up trash.The additional clean-up time was funded last year for the first time and was generally deemed a great success – both by the workers and those who noticed it. Shea said the extra money allowed them to clean up the beach every day instead of every few days.Returning also are requests from the Block Island Gardeners, Soundwaves Movies on the Beach, Blues on the Block, the Double Enders Committee for assistance with the Fourth of July fireworks – specifically funding for the barge, and the Visitors Center, which is asking for $95,000
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