The last time the application for renovations to the Surfside building was on the agenda, the Historic District Commission suggested the owners and their architects go back to the drawing board and try again.The owners of the building, located on Dodge Street across from the Red Bird and next to Persephone’s, did just that. This round, the presentation went much better, although Chair Bill Penn pointed out to the applicants that they were supposed to have produced a three dimensional model as requested at the last meeting.
Architect Glenn Gardiner of Newport Collaborative Architects told the HDC his firm had adjusted to the recommendations of the HDC and had an alternative scheme in mind. He said before making a 3-D model, the applicants wanted to “see if the massing direction is acceptable.”Gardiner went on to explain that the owners have listened to the comments of the HDC and the public and reduced the proposed addition from 31 rooms to 12.Currently, the building has 13 rooms and Gardiner said the intent was to reduce that to 10 rooms in the building, with two new rooms in new accessory cottages. The cottages will be similar to the cottage at the