For those who missed the Thanksgiving service at the Harbor Baptist Church, the Ecumenical Choir gave a beautiful performance. Public worship began at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 24. It offered a way for the members of the community to gather together before many departed for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
The program was replete with traditional hymns sung by the congregation along with the professional sounds of the choir led by director Carrie Todd. Voices merged in song made this pre-Thanksgiving gathering truly special.
Stirring solos were performed by Joe Loya and Sarah Sue Deane, who sang a duet with Carrie Johnson.
The lyrical sounds of Debbie Howarth’s flute added to the richness of the choral presentations.
Two of the unique song selections the choir performed were “Borning Cry” and “Away From the Roll of the Sea.” Both added meaning and beauty to the day. All the songs selected merged the themes of Thanksgiving and remembrance.
The choral song “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry” written by contemporary folk hymn writer John Ylvisaker speaks of the journey of birth to death.